About us

and our approach

About us

and our approach

  • We Develop...

    Radically different directions in display technology that will underpin the future of retail theatre.

  • Our Aim...

    Is to create great customer experiences that inspire long term loyalty through practical application of emerging, current and forgotten technologies.

  • Our Approach...

    Is un-usual, we seek out market gaps and opportunities that we can claim as uniquely our space.

Our works

Some examples of awesomeness...

Our works

Some examples of awesomeness...

Time Machine

How do you encapsulate a person’s life’s work?

Time Machine was built as a mechanism for replaying “Memories” from a library of significant past events. Sounds, Music,Pictures and Movie Clips remind on demand or happen automatically on anniversary dates and times.Technologies from the 30’s through to the present were amalgamated to achieve this unique and priceless art piece. Originally commissioned for a special client it serves as prototype for future time machines.

Micro Gobo light displays

Developed for discrete projection of brand imagery in retail environments.

These ultra small projectors feature advanced high power LED light sources and long throw lensing, providing both high brightness and pin sharp detail. Novel use of high efficiency LEDs and tight integration of the heat sink/lens assembly results in very low manufactured cost, allowing opportunities for wide adoption in store.


As part of world wide film launch planned for February 2014.

We developed an animated character for product displays in related retail stores.The 500mmm heigh Character utilises novel internal laser projection and optics to achieve accurate facial expressions tightly synchronised to the accompanying voice. A secondary video channel provides supporting visuals as a virtual backdrop.Coordinated body movements are performed by miniature servo motors driven from a central control sequencer.

Live Streaming HDTV

Live Streaming HDTV system components.

A core development project for Freewater is the realisation of low cost Live Streaming HDTV system components. The objective is to provide near broadcast video quality using a combination of modified CCTV elements and custom hardware and software. We aim to have a system with full touch screen control of remote robot cameras capable of up to 1080P resolution at a cost that will encourage organisations to adopt live streaming as a must have facility.


Retail theatre and animatronics are natural bedfellows.

Orchestrating events into a controlled sequence can help an audience suspend their disbelief. Animatronics is a key element in realising the MAGIC. Blending the Physical world with the Virtual World ...blurring the boundaries between real and imaginary. We are exploring exiting new mechanisms to extend the charm of effective Retail Theatre.

Retail Art

Was it ART?...it amused quite a lot of shoppers.

As part of a recent IF festival in Milton Keynes we were asked to contribute an interactive ART installation to engage customers within the shopping centre. We devised a set featuring 7 animatronic Parrots that reacted to customers voices. The lead parrot would mimic a customers voice and repeat the sounds every few seconds. The other parrots would in turn mimic the lead parrot resulting in a cacophony of parrotness. The installation was set up outside John Lewis, providing amusing distraction for those en route to their shopping destinations.

Chris Difford Virtual Stage Set

To assist the launch of Chris Difford’s album “The last temptation of Chris”

we designed and built a 1970’s retro bed sit stage set. The set suggested a period when Chris and fellow Squeeze front man Glen Tilbrook were writing and rehearsing their material in just these conditions. Primary technology elements of the staging included:- Virtual lcd fireplace with “real fire” video sequence. Giant 1950 style television for live camera close ups. Discreet integrated lighting and control. Virtual backdrop of windows and 70’s outside world bed sit land dissolving to supporting video during each song.

Meet the team

Making magic happen

Meet the team

Making magic happen

We are Freewater

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Awesomeness, true story!

  • Martin Christie


    Likes: music, films, inventions
    Dislikes: call centres

  • Howard Walker


    Likes: remaining anonymous.
    Dislikes: Having his photo on a website...suspicious

  • Alan Walsh


    Likes: Cheesy posing for cameras
    Dislikes: People drawing over his photo

Contact us

and we'll be all over you like a flannel

Contact us

and we'll be all over you like a flannel

Freewater Ltd
Unit D
Beckerings Business PK
Milton Keynes
MK43 0RD

email: martin@freewater.tv

T: +44(0) 1908 281 636
M: +44(0) 7702 115 404